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Fixes two issues with Maya's numeric input field

1) moving multiple pivots issue is fixed

2) hotKey to take your cursor to the numeric input field fixed

3) fixes numeric input field's use of the current manipulators position.

(in beta.. use the secondary mel script for this instead) *(be sure to watch second video for update info!!)

Zip contains the original 3 fixes

numericInputChangeCommand.mel ( which is only a fix for the pivots ( that I made in 2016) )

smSetFocusInputField.mel ( which fixes the hot key for setting focus to the numeric field.. you have to edit your hotkeys to make this one active)

There is a separate mel script Also named numericInputChangeCommand.mel ( it has to be this name to override the original)

This one contains my fix for using the manipulators axis.

I kept them separate for that issue of the rotate and scale keeping memory of the axis.. ( I'm saying this is alpha stage. cause I'm betting I'll find a better way soon)

You can just put them in any of the directories that Maya sources on start up.

There are a few places, but the ones I find best for custom scripts are:



Documents/maya/[version number]/prefs/scripts/

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